Why $x (and other coding style questions)

This document mentions things that you may find odd that have been given some consideration. It doesn’t mean I won’t change my mind about the things mentioned below, it just means I had a [possibly weak] reason for doing something at the time it was written.

If you find other things that seem odd or you simply know better ways to do things, then please open an issue or drop me a mail!

Why do you use l: prefix for local variables?

I really like the explicit nature of using the l: prefix. While it is nice that you can [often] define and refer to local variables without the explicit namespace, doing so introduces a little mental processing to detect scope.

Why do you indent viml so strangely?

My current indentation rules result favour this:

function! display#fold_text() abort
    return substitute(
    \   foldtext(), '^+-\(-\+\)\s*\(\d\+\) lines: \(.*\)',
    \   {m -> printf('%s %s▼ %d lines', repeat('─', v:foldlevel),
    \                <SID>shorten(m[3], m[2]), m[2])},
    \   ''
    \ )

whereas previously I would’ve indented the \ characters too. Neither option is a good one, but vim’s prefixed line continuations means there isn’t a better option available.

This current iteration breaks using the indentation as a text object(which is annoying), but it does mean there is a little less whitespace needed for each indent(which is good).

The other rule visible in the above example are that continued lines must align with opening brace/argument. You can see that the lambda continues on the next line without much effort, and you can also see that the repeat() call has been closed.

Again, there are few good choices here. If you know of a cleaner way to deal with style issues in vim…