vimrc - Basic setup

First use of :scriptencoding must be after an initial encoding is set:

set encoding=utf-8

Don’t limit ourselves to plain ASCII encoding:

scriptencoding utf-8

Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

Recent vim versions disable 'compatible' when a vimrc is found, but some distributions are disabling that change for a reason that is far beyond me.

" vint: -ProhibitSetNoCompatible
if &compatible
    set nocompatible
" vint: +ProhibitSetNoCompatible

Warn users with vim versions lower than v8.2 that problems will occur, but note that pull requests which aren’t too invasive are most welcome.

if v:version < 802
    let v:warningmsg = 'Vim version 8 or higher is required'
    echohl WarningMsg
    echomsg v:warningmsg
    echohl none

neovim is never tested, as it removes functionality I use. Feel free to open pull requests for neovim support, iff they aren’t too invasive and they don’t break vim.

if has('nvim')
    let v:errmsg = 'This config will *NOT* work with nvim'
    echoerr v:errmsg

Enable profiler if VIM_PROFILE is set. For example, VIM_PROFILE=$TMPDIR/ will profile all files under ~/.vim and VIM_PROFILE=$TMPDIR/* will profile all dein#-prefixed function calls. In both cases, output will be written to under TMPDIR.

if exists('$VIM_PROFILE')
    const [s:profile_file, s:profile_func] =
    \   (split($VIM_PROFILE, ':') + [v:none])[:1]
    execute 'profile start ' .. s:profile_file
    if s:profile_func is v:none
        profile file ~/.vim/*
        execute 'profile func ' .. s:profile_func

Pull in semi-private local settings:

if filereadable(expand('~/.vim/vimrc.pre'))
    source ~/.vim/vimrc.pre


This should only be used for settings required while reading this file.

Pull in general vim configuration files:

source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/paths.vim  " *Must* be early

source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/disabled.vim
source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/settings.vim
source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/misc.vim
source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/maps.vim
source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/packages.vim

Pull in build dependent configuration files:

if has('localmap')
    source ~/.vim/localcfg/abbr.vim
for s:feature in ['autocmd', 'diff', 'notgui_macvim', 'gui_running',
\                 'quickfix', 'spell']
    let s:feature_file = printf('~/.vim/localcfg/%s%s.vim',
    \                           !has(s:feature) ? 'not' : '', s:feature)
    if filereadable(expand(s:feature_file))
        execute 'source ' .. s:feature_file

Pull in host specific configuration data:

const s:host_file = expand('~/.vim/localcfg/' .. hostname() .. '.vim')
if filereadable(s:host_file)
    execute 'source ' .. s:host_file

Define and configure plugins:

source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/dein_early_setup.vim
source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/dein.vim

Configure syntax specific configuration information:

source ~/.vim/vimrc.d/syntax.vim