
Don’t limit ourselves to plain ASCII encoding:

scriptencoding utf-8

Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

We can treat git-fiddle as a git rebase file for the most part, but we’ll also need a few of the things from the git commit setup to make things comfortable.


This should probably include trailer support, but so far I’m willing to fall back on switching to a rebase reword command when necessary. The alternative would be a hefty chunk of code to make trailers work in the git fiddle commit template boundaries.

A few co-workers are now decorating their commits with emojis for expressing their types, and I’ll try to do so when committing to those projects:

for [s:key, s:char] in [['new', '🌟'], ['del', '❌'], ['fix', '🐛'],
\                       ['ref', '⟳'], ['tool', '🔨']]
    silent execute 'iabbrev <buffer> _' .. s:key .. ' ' .. s:char