
Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

My chosen window managers handle boundaries far better than gvim does, so disable the default:

set guiheadroom=0

Use console dialogs instead of jarring popups:

set guioptions+=c

Prefer dark theme if possible:

set guioptions+=d

If toggled on, limit the horizontal scroll bar size:

set guioptions+=h

Disable the left and right scrollbars:

set guioptions-=L guioptions-=r

I don’t use the toolbar, and rarely want the menu:

set guioptions-=T guioptions-=m

… but, add maps for quick toggle.


The repeated use of 'guioptions' above is required because using multiple characters with -= will only work if characters are consecutive, which can not be guaranteed.

Attempt to keep window size when toggling GUI items(menu, scrollbars, &c), as I find display layout more important than the number of rows and columns.

set guioptions+=k

Use sloppy focus when menu and toolbar are disabled:

set mousefocus

Configure right mouse button to closer match the rest of my system:

set mousemodel=popup_setpos

Attempt to save and restore window size in session files:

set sessionoptions+=resize

<S-Insert> should work the same as in my terminals:

if empty(maparg('<S-Insert>', 'n'))
    noremap <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
    noremap! <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>


This is default behaviour on Debian-based systems(see /usr/share/vim/vim*/debian.vim), but is not common on other systems.

Consolas — or Inconsolata — are available on all of the systems I use, and feel really good. If gvim starts supporting ligatures upstream or with a cleaner patch, then I’ll immediately look for replacements.

const s:fc_cmd = 'fc-list --quiet %s'
for s:name in ['Consolas', 'Inconsolata', 'monospace']
    silent call printf(s:fc_cmd, shellescape(s:name .. ' NF'))->system()
    if v:shell_error == 0
        const g:font_family = s:name .. ' NF'
        silent call printf(s:fc_cmd, shellescape(s:name))->system()
        if v:shell_error == 0
            const g:font_family = s:name
const g:font_size =  13
let &guifont = g:font_family .. ' ' .. g:font_size


The NF-suffixed branch is here to prefer a nerd-fonts variation of a font if available.

Add command to switch text size quickly:

command! -nargs=? -count
\   -complete=customlist,completion#set_font_complete Fontsel
\   call gui#set_font(<q-args>)


For minor size changes it is often easier to use :set guifont=<Tab>, while wishing that <C-{a,x}> worked to {in,de}crement the number in the command line too. If you’re super lazy — like me — and are simply trying to find the appropriate size for a new display then using :set guifont=<Tab><C-f> to open the command window will allow you to use <C-{a,x}> to fiddle with sizes.

Include non-standard server names in the window title:

if has('title') && has('clientserver')
    let &titlestring ..=
    \   '%{v:servername != "GVIM" ? " [" .. v:servername .. "]" : ""}'

Omnicompletion rocks, but <C-x><C-o> doesn’t:

if has('insert_expand')
    inoremap <C-Space> <C-x><C-o>

Occasionally the toolbar can be useful for pairing with a co-worker, and from time to time I use the menu myself. So, we’ll add maps to quickly toggle them:

if has('menu')
    nnoremap <S-F4> <Cmd>call gui#toggle_guioption('m')<CR>
if has('toolbar')
    nnoremap <C-F4> <Cmd>call gui#toggle_guioption('T')<CR>

Use a terminal window for command output:

nnoremap <C-F1> <Cmd>call misc#toggle_flag('guioptions', '!')<CR>


This isn’t set for the full session as it can interact badly with plugins that don’t expect a full terminal window, and result in annoying interaction.

Hack to stop constant dein re-caching when switching between GUI and non-GUI vim:

const g:loaded_bracketed_paste = v:true


This issue affects me so little it went unnoticed for four days, as I’m always using vim’s clientserver support and gvim. However, an errant git commit from the wrong terminal can cause a nearly three second penalty for re-caching without this kludge.