
Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

Disable options that clash with buffer changes:

const g:notes_alt_indents = v:false

I only use vim’s builtin indent maps:

const g:notes_tab_indents = v:false

Use a personal notes directory that can be version-controlled separately:

const g:notes_directories = [g:xdg_data_dir .. '/vim-notes']
if !isdirectory(g:notes_directories[0])
    call mkdir(g:notes_directories[0], 'p')

Store indexes in XDG base directory specification compliant location:

const s:notes_cache_dir = g:vim_cache_dir .. '/vim-notes'
if !isdirectory(s:notes_cache_dir)
    call mkdir(s:notes_cache_dir, 'p')
const g:notes_indexfile = s:notes_cache_dir .. '/index.pickle'
const g:notes_tagsindex = s:notes_cache_dir .. '/tags.txt'

Dive in to the dein cache to set up documentation:

const g:notes_shadowdir = g:dein_repos_dir ..
\   '/github.com/xolox/vim-notes/misc/notes/shadow'

Add an extension to saved notes so that filtering from a shell is easier:

const g:notes_suffix = '.txt'

We don’t require backwards compatibility, so respect word boundaries:

const g:notes_word_boundaries = v:true

Find a markdown processor:

for s:p in ['pulldown-cmark', 'cmark', 'markdown2']
    if executable(s:p)
        const g:notes_markdown_program = s:p

I prefer using vim-textobj-quote as it works across filetypes:

const g:notes_smart_quotes = v:false