
Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

PKG_LICENSE_DIR is set on many of the systems I use to a distro-specific location for licenses; /usr/share/licenses, /var/lib/repos/gentoo/licenses, &c. This allows us to set up some global templates for licence generation at a project’s top level:

if exists('$PKG_LICENSE_DIR')
    const s:project_root_heuristic = 'Makefile|all.do|build.py|setup.py'
    let g:projectionist_heuristics = {s:project_root_heuristic: {}}
    for [s:f, s:t] in [
    \   ['COPYING', 'GPL-3'],
    \   ['COPYING.LIB', 'LGPL-3'],
    \   ['LICENSE', 'MIT']
    \ ]
        let g:projectionist_heuristics[s:project_root_heuristic][s:f] = #{
        \   template: readfile(printf('%s/%s',
        \                             expand('$PKG_LICENSE_DIR'), s:t)),
        \   type: tolower(split(s:t, '-')[0]),
        \ }


If I used licenses where there wasn’t a unique convention for the filename then I’d need something more powerful, but I don’t.

Configure custom hooks:

augroup jnrowe_vim_projectionist

Apply any vim options found in the projectionist configuration:

autocmd User ProjectionistActivate
\   call plugins#vim_projectionist#apply_options()

Apply any vim commands found in the projectionist templates:

autocmd User ProjectionistApplyTemplate
\   call plugins#vim_projectionist#apply_commands()
augroup END