
Don’t limit ourselves to plain ASCII encoding:

scriptencoding utf-8

Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

Don’t run on startup so that we can resume previous editing session with ease:

const g:startify_disable_at_vimenter = v:true


A simple shell alias with vim +Startify is a simple way to make vim open at the startify window.

Prefer a smaller decoration in the header, so that the important data is immediately visible in windows:

const g:startify_header_full = 'startify#center(startify#fortune#boxed())'

Only display the header when in large windows:

augroup jnrowe_vim_startify
    autocmd VimResized * if dein#get('vim-startify').sourced |
    \       call plugins#vim_startify#set_header_display() |
    \   endif
augroup END

These common, to me, configuration files are reasonable bookmarks for when I’ve started vim without arguments, but perhaps others are more useful when started with arguments?

const s:git_config = filereadable(g:xdg_config_dir .. '/git/config')
\   ? g:xdg_config_dir .. '/git/config'
\   : '~/.gitconfig'
const g:startify_bookmarks = [
\   g:xdg_config_dir .. '/awesome/rc.moon',
\   g:xdg_config_dir .. '/awesome/themes/jnrowe/theme.moon',
\   s:git_config,
\   '~/.vim/vimrc.rst',
\   '~/.vim/vimrc-local',
\   '~/.vim/dein.rst',
\ ]


This setting is a prime candidate for configuring using a host specific configuration file.

Define some quick commands to jump to help:

const g:startify_commands = [
\   ['Version', ':version'],
\   ['Reference', ':help reference'],
\   ['FAQ', ':help Vim-FAQ'],
\ ]


Try hopping in to reference or FAQ when waiting for a build, it is a great way to learn something new or refresh the mind a little.

Disable unused commands:

let g:startify_enable_special = v:false

Use fancy boxes for fortunes:

let g:startify_fortune_use_unicode = v:true

Requires Font Awesome in places.


I have Font Awesome available locally as webfonts are disabled in my browsers, if you don’t have a similar setup then the following won’t work.

Configure default chunks with fancy symbols:

const g:startify_lists = [
\   #{type: 'files', header: ['']},
\   #{type: 'dir', header: ['']},
\   #{type: 'sessions', header: ['']},
\   #{type: 'commands', header: ['']},
\   #{type: 'bookmarks', header: ['']},
\ ]

We don’t need full filenames:

let g:startify_relative_path = v:true

Configure sessions and start them automatically:

const g:startify_session_autoload = v:true
const g:startify_session_dir = g:vim_data_dir .. '/sessions'
const g:startify_session_sort = v:true

If <F1> is help, shifting up a gear is actually starting:

nnoremap <silent> <S-F1> <Cmd>Startify<CR>