
Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4

Don’t load unhelpful [to me] default plugins. Basically, this can be summed up as the things which we don’t want(vimball support), things with far superior external alternatives(Pygments over 2html), or plugins with superior alternatives(dein over getscript).

for s:plugin in [
\   '2html_plugin', 'getscriptPlugin', 'gzip', 'logiPat', 'matchparen',
\   'netrw', 'netrwPlugin', 'rrhelper', 'spellfile_plugin', 'tarPlugin',
\   'vimballPlugin', 'zipPlugin',
\ ]
    call misc#disable_plugin(s:plugin)


Compared to the archive format plugins, using archivemount is a much better solution; it supports more formats, is a great deal faster and allows seamless processing with external tools while editing.

Forcibly disable matchit, as we’re using the vim-matchup plugin:

call misc#disable_plugin('matchit')