
Enforce vim script implementation to reduce ambiguities and improve robustness:

scriptversion 4


The strange concoctions in this file are to support lazy loading of bundled packages. If you know of a better way to perform this than I’d love to know, please file an issue or drop me a mail.

Enable :Cfilter for using enormously noisy compilers:

for s:t in ['C', 'L']
    execute printf('command! -bang -nargs=+ %sfilter packadd cfilter | ' ..
    \              '%sfilter<bang> <args>',
    \              s:t, s:t)

When using server mode editexisting makes using currently open files far simpler:

packadd editexisting

Useful justification options:

command! -range -nargs=* Justify packadd justify |
\   <line1>,<line2>Justify <args>

Enable the experimental gdb support:

if has('terminal')
    command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=* Termdebug delcommand Termdebug |
    \   packadd termdebug |
    \   Termdebug<bang> <args>


termdebug tests for :Termdebug to prohibit re-sourcing the package instead of a regular g:loaded_ variable, so we need to delete before loading.